Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The world today.

Social constraints suck.
Like who was it who decided what we are to wear to be considered "cute".
Why do we all behave in similar ways?
And what is it with all the mind games? Not just between men and women but between women and women and men and men.  When did we become so dependent on what other people think, and why does our own view not seem to matter when compared to everyone elses...  I just don't get it.
There must be something more to the world than just following the norm of what everyone wants from us.
I dunno... it's very confusing.
Hopefully one day, i'll listen to myself more than others. It's so challenging though - to not care about my image, and just march to the beat of my own drum.
I'll work on it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Apathetic Me

This is my first post very exciting!
Well I've decided to make a blog, because I was bored but didn't really want to do anything.
This seems to be a growing thing recently.  I don't really want to do things, and I just don't care.
My mum took me shopping today for a few things I needed which is awesome... I need to look extra good tomorrow because I'm going to see Hall and due to sexual politics I need to look fantastic so he an eat his heart out.

What else... Well my name "The Reason For Dreaming" comes from the song Guilty Ones from Spring Awakening, which is probably my favorite musical.  I don't even know what I love about the musical, it just speaks to me... I don't understand it. It just feels right when I listen or watch it...

That's it for now, I need to go meet someone... Awkward...